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  • A meeting of the ministers of agriculture of Azerbaijan and Hungary was held in Budapest
A meeting of the ministers of agriculture of Azerbaijan and Hungary was held in Budapest

The delegation led by the Minister of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, Majnun Mammadov, is on an official visit to the Republic of Hungary. Within the framework of the visit, Minister Majnun Mammadov met with Hungarian Minister of Agriculture Istvan Nagy. Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and companies operating in the agricultural sector took part in the meeting.

During the meeting, views were exchanged on the perspectives of cooperation in the field of agriculture between the two countries. In the meetings held so far, Minister of Agriculture Majnun Mammadov reminded that an agreement was reached on the transfer of modern technologies in the agricultural field, specialist training, the involvement of young Azerbaijani specialists in long-term experience programs in Hungary, the continuation of cooperation in the field of animal breeding (embryo transfer), the study of the Hungarian experience in the field of poultry and the start of cooperation in this field, the establishment of close relations between the operating entrepreneurs in the agricultural field. It was emphasized that it is important to further expand relations between the two countries in the field of agriculture, and the activity of the Azerbaijan-Hungarian Working Group in the field of agriculture is of great importance.

Taking into account the economic potential of the two countries, the Azerbaijani side drew attention to the importance of further diversifying trade relations and increasing trade turnover. Minister Majnun Mammadov invited his Hungarian colleague to visit Azerbaijan and offered him to familiarize himself with large-scale measures aimed at restoration, reconstruction and creation of necessary infrastructure in our historical lands freed from occupation. Emphasizing that Azerbaijan cooperates with friendly countries in the direction of the restoration and development of agriculture in these areas, the minister called on Hungarian entrepreneurs to evaluate investment opportunities in these areas.

Hungarian Minister of Agriculture Istvan Nagy, in his turn, said that Hungary and Azerbaijan are friendly countries and are interested in developing partnership relations in all fields. He noted that the intensification of trade relations between the two countries and the expansion of relations in the agricultural sector are important. Istvan Nagy accepted this invitation with pleasure and emphasized that he will visit Azerbaijan in the near future.

During the meeting, a wide range of views were exchanged on issues of mutual interest.