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  • The 6th meeting of Azerbaijan-Bulgaria intergovernmental commission was held in Baku
The 6th meeting of Azerbaijan-Bulgaria intergovernmental commission was held in Baku

The 6th meeting of the joint intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Bulgaria was held in Baku.

First, the participants of the 6th session of the Azerbaijan-Bulgaria intergovernmental commission commemorated National Leader Heydar Aliyev in the Alley of Honor and laid flowers in front of his grave. Later, the memory of outstanding ophthalmologist-scientist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva was commemorated, flowers were arranged on her grave.

Then the delegation commemorated the heroes of the Motherland who died for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in Martyrs' Alley and laid flowers in front of their graves.

Before the meeting, a bilateral meeting was held between the delegation led by Azerbaijan's co-chairman of the intergovernmental commission, Minister of Agriculture Majnun Mammadov, and the delegation led by Bulgaria's co-chairman of the commission, Energy Minister Vladimir Malinov. At the meeting, the directions of bilateral cooperation between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria, energy, transport, agriculture, technology transfer, increasing trade turnover, promotion of mutual investments, using the advantages created by the Middle Corridor during the export of products to third countries, food safety, environmental protection, labor and social protection, healthcare, culture, intellectual property, cooperation in the fields of tourism and other issues were exchanged.

Later, the 6th meeting of the joint intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Bulgaria began its work.

Welcoming the guests, the co-chairman of the Azerbaijan-Bulgaria joint intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation, Minister of Agriculture Majnun Mammadov said that relations between the two countries are developing on an upward trend. Also, there is great potential for further expansion of economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria.

Taking into account the economic potential of the two countries, the minister drew attention to the importance of further diversifying trade relations and increasing trade turnover, and said that jointly organized business forums, regular exchange of information about our export-oriented competitive products, as well as mutual activity at international exhibitions, will strengthen cooperation between our business circles. Majnun Mammadov urged the businessmen of both countries to make maximum use of favorable geographical positions for exporting products to third countries, and the advantages of economic zones in Azerbaijan and Bulgaria.

Reminding that in 2020, Azerbaijan liberated its lands occupied for 30 years by restoring historical justice, Minister Majnun Mammadov pointed out that during the occupation, all cities and villages of Azerbaijan were destroyed, historical, cultural and religious objects were destroyed. Minister Majnun Mammadov added that currently large-scale measures are being successfully implemented in the direction of restoration and reconstruction of territories freed from occupation, provision of future development in these territories, creation of necessary infrastructure based on principles of green restoration and smart concepts.

Stating that interregional cooperation is important, Minister Majnun Mammadov emphasized that it is important to protect the countries' rightful positions on international platforms.

Co-chairman of the Azerbaijan-Bulgaria joint intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation, Minister of Energy Vladimir Malinov noted that the Bulgarian side is in all areas of mutual interest - trade and industry, investments, energy, transport, agriculture, defense, tourism, culture and many other areas. He is interested in using the available opportunities for cooperation with Azerbaijan. He noted that the intensification of trade relations and expansion of economic relations between the two countries is important. Calling Azerbaijan a strategic partner of Bulgaria in the field of energy, Vladimir Malinov expressed his gratitude for Azerbaijan's support in diversifying sources and routes for transporting natural gas to Bulgaria and the Southeast European region. The Minister of Energy of Bulgaria stated that they are in favor of the expansion of the Southern Gas Corridor and are ready to discuss the possibility of purchasing additional volumes of natural gas from Azerbaijan.

Later, the protocol on the results of the 6th meeting of the joint intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria was signed. The document envisages further development of bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the fields of economy, agriculture, food safety, energy, transport, information and communication technologies, scientific-technical and humanitarian, social, health, environment and tourism. The final protocol also reflected the intention to further improve the legal and normative basis of bilateral relations between the two countries.

The parties agreed to hold the 7th meeting of the joint intergovernmental commission on Azerbaijan-Bulgaria economic cooperation in Bulgaria next year.