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Azerbaijan was represented at the annual meeting of the World Farmers' Organization (WFO)

The annual meeting of the World Farmers' Organization (WFO) was held at the head office of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome, the capital of Italy. State institutions, private sector, representatives of international organizations, experts working in the agricultural field, family farms, representatives of cooperatives and farmers from different countries participated in the event. Leyla Jabbarli, deputy chairman of the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency, represented Azerbaijan at the meeting.

FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu, who opened the event with an introductory speech, addressed the issue of a sustainable agricultural system in line with new challenges. He emphasized that it is important to increase productivity by protecting the environment. The FAO official noted that against the background of global challenges, the intensive development of the agricultural sector and the establishment of more sustainable agro-food systems directly depend on the application of modern technologies. Qu Dongyu added that the application of digital technologies will change the shape of the agribusiness value chain, making it possible to improve the efficiency of production processes and adapt to climate changes.

Speaking at the event, experts shared their knowledge and experience regarding the impact of climate change on the agricultural sector, and drew attention to the need to organize efficient use of land and water resources against the background of climate change and global warming.

After the opening ceremony, panel sessions on current topics of the agrarian field were held. Speaking at the panel session on "From COP28 to COP30: Integration of Agriculture and Food Systems in Climate Action", AKIA Deputy Chairman Leyla Jabbarli talked about the reforms carried out in the field of agriculture in our country, gave detailed information to the participants of the event about the main directions of the agrarian development strategy in Azerbaijan, the implemented innovative projects. Leyla Jabbarli touched on the importance of holding the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in Azerbaijan and talked about the measures implemented to minimize the impact of climate change on the agricultural sector. He said that the government of Azerbaijan pays special attention to mitigation of negative effects on the environment, reduction of greenhouse gases, effective use of natural resources, protection of biodiversity and ecosystems. At the same time, continuous state support to producers of agricultural products in our country stimulates the constant improvement of production indicators in this sector and expands the possibilities of applying innovative technologies.

In the panel sessions, the role of agricultural innovations in ensuring food security, increasing productivity with the application of innovative solutions, more efficient use of land and water resources, and future directions of cooperation in the direction of applying innovation and digitalization in the agricultural field were discussed.

The event continued with other panel speeches and question-and-answer sessions.